Taalvidya Workshops for Kathak dancers are 2- hour virtual workshops designed for advanced level Kathak dancers and professional Kathak artists. The workshops are intense in nature and are focussed on enriching the understanding of kathak dancers about various fundamentals aspects of Indian Rhythm, Types of Kathak Compositions such as paran, concepts of layakari, tihais, chhandakari, Upaj and more. Currently the Taalvidya Workshops for Kathak dancers are conducted under the label names Taalvidya for Kathak Workshop and Rhythms of Kathak Workshop.

Guruji on Instagram to receive regular updates on upcoming workshops and events for kathak dancers.
ROK INDIA Feb 20, 2021
ROK INDIA July 25, 2020
ROK INDIA Sept 5, 2020
TV for K 16 Feb
TV for K April 17
TV for K April 25
Screenshot ROK Feb 20
screenshot ROK May 21
TV for K April 25 screenshot